Monday, December 23, 2019

The Psychological Reasons For The Media Industry Affects...

Aim: Evaluate the psychological reasons as to why people follow trends Objectives: - To identify the meaning of a trend - To understand the psychological explanations as to why trends have become a very important element of the Fashion industry - To find out how the Media industry affects Fashion - To explore studies which support the main points in this paper Introduction The purpose of this essay is to study the process of trends being set as well as followed. It will also focus on psychological explanations in order to determine what the cause of people being influenced by the media industry is. There will also be evidence in the form of quotes, studies and statistics, which will support all of the†¦show more content†¦Figure 1 Below is a pattern, which is used to predict trends: â€Å"Season Target Market Consumer Colors Fabrics Silhouette Texture Usage† - (Singh 2016) The graph above shows a very interesting cycle of Fashion. Understanding fashion trends forecast is one of the most useful and money-making technique used in the world of fashion. Most fashion designers and fashion houses use it in order to predict future trends and by that boost their sales. There are loads of elements, which contribute to fashion forecasting, one of them is seasons. Each season, the departments that deal with design, employs an agency to find out what will be in trend for coming seasons. They very heavily rely on creating new garments using valuable data collected by the agencies. Trend forecasts are based on all four seasons. They expect to see Earthy tones in autumn, jewel colours in winter, the pastels of flowers in early spring, and refreshing white and bright colours for the summer. Another aspect of trend forecasting is Market Intelligence. The marketing intelligence cycle whether its apparel or other business houses typically consists of directing, collecting, compiling, cataloguing, analyzing and form filled up data by consumers therefore making it easier for industry to create product which is market based. (Singh 2016) The industry overall has one

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Essay Writing for Ipad and Computer Contrast Free Essays

The rivalry between Ipad and PC users is well-documented and increasingly complicated. Each time a new gadget enters the marketplace, consumers have more decisions to make about how they want to check email, watch movies, download music, and surf the web. But outside the typical debate, what should an end user consider when deciding between an iPad and a laptop PC? At one time, the laptop was the height of portability, offering a slim, lightweight device that could be slipped into a bag or carrying case. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Writing for Ipad and Computer Contrast or any similar topic only for you Order Now The iPad, however, is only a little more than one and a half pounds, and is easily transported regardless of what you decide to carry it in. Furthermore, the iPad is easier to operate in awkward positions, such as on the subway or in the car. The downside is the smaller screen size, which might be an issue when editing photos or playing games. It is important to realize that the iPad and the laptop PC were designed for separate functions. While some of the applications overlap, this is usually the deciding point for consumers. If you are interested primarily in social media, ebooks, and other content consumption, an iPad is more than adequate. However, those who spend a lot of time typing or designing might prefer a laptop PC. The applications available for the laptop are far more comprehensive. You can buy a mouse and keyboard for use with the iPad, but that costs extra money and reduces the portability benefit. One of the biggest benefits of the iPad is the intuitive, user-friendly. The screen has more pixels and is generally more beautiful to look at than any of the laptop PCs on the market. This can be a huge benefit for consumers and professionals who want to enjoy working on their chosen device. Laptop PCs are notorious for battery life, requiring a charge every three to four hours. An iPad 3, on the other hand, can last up to 10 hours on a charge, which means you won’t have to go looking for an outlet as quickly when you’re on the go. Most serious gamers stick with a desktop computer for graphics-intensive games. Lighter fare will operate on a laptop PC, which might be a selling point. Of course, there are thousands of games applications made specifically for the iPad, so it depends on your preferences. Check out the games that most interest you to determine how you might be able to play them on each device. How to cite Essay Writing for Ipad and Computer Contrast, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Comparison of the project management methodologies †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Comparison of the project management methodologies. Answer: Project Methodology Project methodology is used for defining the different phase and processes associated with a project from is initiation to completion. Leau et al. (2012), defined project methodology as a strategic level plan that is used for controlling and managing a project. On the other hand, pundak, (2014), defined project management as a standard that defines the different process procedure and techniques of project management. It is basically a plan for implementation of a project or a product. According to Schwalbe, (2015), a project methodology deals with proper application of knowledge and project management techniques so that the project can be implemented according to the plan and can be delivered successfully. Furthermore, a proper project methodology should be flexible enough to implement all the identified requirements in a project. The project management methodology can be traditional such as waterfall or agile such as XPM and SCRUM. Project Methodology has a significant role in project management as it defines different project process, which in turn helps the project managers in managing and controlling different projects. Adoption of proper project methodology ensures faster completion of a project by ensuring proper project control and eliminating the different risks associated with a project (Kerzner Kerzner, 2017). PMBOK VS PRINCE2 Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is a global standard that provides guidelines for understanding the different characteristics of a project. PMBOK is very helpful for understanding the nitty gritty techniques of project management and successful implementation of a project methodology for ensuring project success. There are 10 knowledge areas associated with PMBOK. Figure 1: Representing the different knowledge areas of PMBOK (Source: Source: Matos Lopes, 2013) Proper understanding of these knowledge areas is essential for successful project implementation. Apart from this, PMBOK is associated with five process groups such as, initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing. Figure 2: Representing the five processes of PMBOK (Source: Matos Lopes, 2013) PRINCE2 on the other hand is a project management methodology that deals with implementation of a project in a controlled environment. It is a widely used project management methodology and is accepted worldwide. Even complex projects can be implemented with the help of PRINCE2 methodology as it controls the project execution according to the project plan. The project can be implemented in a controlled environment as the PRINCE2 methodology divides the entire project into small manageable groups. The similarities and differences between PMBOK and PRINCE2 are discussed in the following section. Similarities between PRINCE2 and PMBOK The similarities between PRINCE2 and PMBOK are as follows (Karaman Kurt, 2015)- PMBOK is a project management standard that ensures application of various project management skills in successful implementation of a project. Similarly PRINCE2 methodology deals with implementation of a project in a controlled environment. Therefore, it can be said that both PMBOM and PRINCE2 are processes of ensuring project success. The key knowledge areas associated with PMBOK helps in understanding and identifying the different problems and challenges a project might face while implementation. Therefore, PMBOK helps in proper risk management as well. PRINCE2 methodology guarantees implementation of a particular project in a controlled environment, thus mitigating the different risks associated with a project. Both PMBOK and PRINCE2 can be applied to any type of project associated with any industry. This is possible as these two methods are widely recognized and understood. Both PMBOK and PRINCE2 ensure that effective communication tools are present in the working environment of a project. Presence of an active communication channel ensures proper information flow during the project execution. This is a significant need for successful project implementation as proper information flow and effective communication ensure that the project is being implemented according to the plan. Dissimilarities between PRINCE2 and PMBOK The differences between PRINCE2 and PMBOK are as follows- PRINCE2 is a project management methodology while PMBOK is a standard area of knowledge that gives a clear idea of the different processes and techniques of project management (Tomanek Juricek, 2015). PRINCE2 enables implementation of a project in a controlled environment quite contrast to PMBOK where a project cannot be controlled while its execution. PMBOK is comparatively complex to understand and implement, while PRINCE2 is easier to understand and implement and is therefore adopted for a number of projects worldwide. There are 10 knowledge areas in PMBOK while there are seven processes in PRINCE2 PRINCE2 on PLC PLC or project management life cycle gives an overview of a project from its initiation phase to completion. A project is broadly classified into four major phases in a project life cycle. The phases are initiation, planning, execution and closure. PRINCE2 methodology divides the entire project into seven major processes which are project starting, project initiation, project direction, project control, managing project delivery, managing the stage boundaries and closing the project. Project life cycle in PRINCE2 deals with successful implementation of all these stages in a controlled environment. Proper project supervision is ensured while implementing the project which is one of the major advantages of PRINCE2 approach. PRINCE2 methodology therefore relates completely to the project life cycle in initiation, planning, managing, executing and controlling a project. In PRINCE2 methodology, the project manager takes the responsibility of organizing and closing a project (Saad et al., 2014). The project manager takes necessary decisions related to a project in PRINCE2 project methodology. Therefore, it can be concluded that PRINCE2 is a methodology that can be easily implemented in order to ensure project success. References Karaman, E., Kurt, M. (2015). Comparison of project management methodologies: prince 2 versus PMBOK for it projects.Int. Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Research,4(5), 657-664. Kerzner, H., Kerzner, H. R. (2017).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Leau, Y. B., Loo, W. K., Tham, W. Y., Tan, S. F. (2012). Software development life cycle AGILE vs traditional approaches. InInternational Conference on Information and Network Technology(Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 162-167). Matos, S., Lopes, E. (2013). Prince2 or PMBOKa question of choice.Procedia Technology,9, 787-794. Saad, S., Ibrahim, A., Asma, O., Khan, M. S., Akhter, J. (2014). PRINCE2 MEthodology: AN INNovAtIvE WAy foR IMPRovINg PERfoRMANCE of MAlAysIAN AutoMotIvE INdustRy.The Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT),1(1). Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. pundak, M. (2014). Mixed agile/traditional project management methodologyreality or illusion?.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,119, 939-948. Tomanek, M., Juricek, J. (2015). Project risk management model based on PRINCE2 and SCRUM frameworks.arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.03595.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Rise and Fall of Alexandria Essay Example

The Rise and Fall of Alexandria Essay How the modern world was actually established is often overlooked and attributed to the powers and domination of Athens and Rome. What authors Justin Pollard and Howard Reid urge readers to understand, however, is the significance that the city of Alexandria had on Western Civilization. Both authors have worked in British and American television, and are accomplished in the film/documentary industry.Reid has also previously written five other books. In their narrative book, The Rise and Fall of Alexandria, they seek to emphasize just how important this little city was to the foundation of the modern world through accounts of history. Alexandria was built on the foundation of knowledge and intellect, with some of the greatest minds in the fields of Philosophy and Astronomy behind the operation. Alexandria was the birthplace of some of history’s most influential people and the ideas that accompanied them.The ideas of these influential people, such as Herophilus and his discovery of the human organs, and Aristarchus with his idea of a heliocentric universe, have been carried down for centuries and will never be forgotten. Alexandria was home to the incredible library and museum where some of the world’s greatest thinkers pondered and hypothesized the abstracts and ideas that were foreign to their time. Along with all of these historical facts about Alexandria, the city also houses one of the Seven Wonders of the World—the magnificent lighthouse, the Pharos.Alexandria, one of the most influential cities in the foundation of the modern world and a city whose â€Å"unique soul† (p. 1) has been overlooked by history. But, through The Rise and Fall of Alexandria, readers are able to experience the climb to knowledge and intellect, as well as the rise and fall of this â€Å"most extraordinary city on earth† (p. 176). Alexander founded the city of Alexandria in 331 BC. Alexandria was in a prime location for a provincial capital with its â€Å"access to Egypt’s wealth and connections on to the Red Sea† (p. 7). He wanted Egypt as part of his growing empire.Not long after in 323 BC, however, Alexander died and left this newly established city to his half brother and baby son. Alexander’s childhood friend, Ptolemy, soon came to rule over the city and Alexandria began rising. Ptolemy had plans for the city and began building innovative roads and two sea harbors. With these new developments, authors note, the â€Å"fundamental plan of the greatest city in the ancient world was complete. † Houses, slaves, cattle, and taxpayers were being taken from surrounding villages and given to the capital city of Alexandria.When Ptolemy’s son and successor (Ptolemy II) began his rule on the city, he, too, threw himself into developing Alexandria and created a currency that could be used to sell and trade. Structures were built, such as temples and the lighthouse, and Alexandria was becoming known a s â€Å"the light of the world† (p. 92). Along with the furthering of physical growth to the city of Alexandria, there was also growth politically and religiously. Ptolemy wished to fuse ancient thinking with the modern thinking of the Greeks, so he devised a plan and created a cult through a fusion of two gods: the god of the dead and the living bull.And this Greco-Egyptian cult was created and called Serapis. Through this newly founded religion and the constant furthering of the city’s buildings and technology, Alexandria began to rise. One of the main and most important themes found in the history of Alexandria is how much the city and that period in time contributed to the knowledge of the world. Some of the most brilliant people influenced that particular time, including the great philosophers, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, as well as others such as Euclid of Alexandria, Herophilus, Aristarchus, and Eratosthenes.Alexandria was rich in knowledge because of the gr eat minds that utilized and contributed to the city’s institutions, such as the library and the lighthouse, to hypothesize theories and concepts. For example, Eratosthenes observed ships on the horizon from atop the lighthouse in Alexandria and eventually was the first to compass the world and describe the globe. Aristotle, being the private tutor of Alexander, could be credited for laying the intellectual foundation for the city of Alexandria. He, too, contributed to the Library of the city.Behind the brilliance of Aristotle, one can find the influences of the great philosophers that preceded him: Socrates and Plato. Because of its saturation of intellects and the availability of resources (the library and museum), Alexandria was a city thriving with knowledge and new schools of thought. Alexandria was the birthplace of the modern world, â€Å"not led by legions of soldiers, but by dynasties of scholars navigating on a sea of books† (p. 1). Alexander was considered to be a living god by the Egyptians for over 3,000 years, but the Greeks, however, did not so easily accept this notion.At the death of Alexander, dispute over who should rule over the largest empire on earth was in play. Finally, Alexander’s childhood friend, Ptolemy who looked like an Egyptian and spoke like a Greek, became Pharaoh. The reign of Ptolemy, including his heirs, was one that lasted for five generations. As even the beginning of the Alexandria Empire showed a trend of a constant power struggle among kings and pharaohs, so it continued this way until its fall. With rulers coming in and out of power, Alexandria was under a constant power struggle.Since Alexander’s death, â€Å"the eastern Mediterranean had been involved in an almost continuous struggle among the descendants of his heirs for control over† Alexandria (p. 156). A power that was becoming stronger and more threatening was that of Rome. Whether it was the grain that attracted the Romans to A lexandria, or the hunger for a place in history with the greatest conqueror, Alexander, the Romans were drawn to Alexandria. While under the rule of Cleopatra, the city of Alexandria was invaded by the Romans and the city was set in flames.The great Library of Alexandria lost some 4,000 papyrus scrolls, which although was not the end of the library, was the symbol of the city falling as the heart of it had been burned. In the spring of 30 BC, Alexandria was again invaded by Octavian and his army, and on August 1, â€Å"the Ptolemaic kingdom came to an end† (p. 172). Alexandria became a city in which it was dangerous to express one’s religious beliefs or opinions. In the middle of this dangerous time, the last scientist who worked in the library was a woman named Hypatia.The fact that she was a woman and that she was friends with the Roman governor made the Archbishop of Alexandria, Cyril, hate her. Hypatia was killed, and soon after, the Library was destroyed. The hear t and mind, the central being, the core of Alexandria was destroyed with the Library, and â€Å"with the death of Hypatia, her city also began to die (p. 280). The streets were filled with religious extremism and violence and with ethnic tension; the customs were changing and even the language was transforming as influenced by the Egyptians (p. 80). Eventually the great city of Alexandria was torn down by the Muslim general and the place that had once flourished with civilization and knowledge became nothing but ruins covered in flour and grain—and so was the fall of Alexandria. Alexandria was a city that started out strong and promising, with its dedicated rulers and the plans they had to nurture and expand the empire. It was the center of knowledge and wisdom, a magnet for those with great minds and ideas about the world.The heart of the city was its beloved library. Intellects swarmed this great city to teach, to learn, to ponder, and to discover. Aristarchus â€Å"put t he earth in heavens in motion† (p. 108) when he proposed a model of the solar system; Eratosthenes found the solution to the â€Å"Delian Problem† (p. 122); Archimedes figured out how to calculate the volume of a sphere: all these discoveries out of the city in Egypt. As I read through this book, I felt as though I was in the middle of it all.It felt like I was watching the birth of a baby as the city was founded, the hard life of growing up as the city underwent so many changes, and eventually the death of a legacy as the city was torn down. The city of Alexandria served its purpose of facilitating the minds of philosophical geniuses and an important chunk of history in our world. Through this book, Justin Pollard and Howard Reid were able to bring to life a long-lost empire that rose and fell, but will never be forgotten. Pollard, Justin and Howard Reid. The Rise and Fall of Alexandria: Birthplace of the Modern World. New York: Penguin Books, 2006.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Books of Homers Iliad

The Books of Homer's Iliad The Iliad, an epic poem attributed to Homer and the oldest extant piece of European literature, is conventionally divided into 24 books. Here youll find an approximately one-page summary of each book, a description of the major characters and sometimes places, and an English translation. For help identifying the topic of each book, phrases or tags follow the summary link. Books 1-4 have cultural notes to help you as you start reading the Iliad. [The Odyssey | For a Greek version of The Iliad, see ​The Chicago Homer.] I Summary.Supplication. Plague. Quarrel.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation.Cultural Notes on Iliad Book I II Summary.Greeks and Trojans get ready for battle.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation.Cultural Notes on Iliad Book II III Summary.Paris single combat with Menelaus.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation.Cultural Notes on Iliad Book III IV Summary.Quarrel among the gods.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation.Cultural Notes on Iliad Book IV V Summary.Athena helps Diomedes. He injures Aphrodite and Ares.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. VI Summary.Andromache begs Hector not to fight.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. VII Summary.Ajax and Hector fight, but neither wins. Paris refuses to give up Helen.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. VIII Summary.2nd battle; Greeks beaten back.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. IX Summary.Agamemnon returns Briseis to Achilles.Major Character s of the Book.English Translation. X Summary.Odysseus and Diomedes capture a Trojan spy.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XI Summary.Nestor urges Patroclus to persuade Achilles to lend him his armor and his men.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XII Summary.Trojans get through Greek walls.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XIII Summary.Poseidon helps the Greeks.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XIV Summary.Largely through the shenanigans of the gods, the Trojans are driven back. Hector is wounded.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XV Summary.Apollo sent to heal Hector. Hector burns Greek ships.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XVI Summary.Achilles lets Patroclus wear his armor and lead his Myrmidons. Hector kills Patroclus.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XVII Summary.Achilles learns Patroclus is dead.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XVIII Summary.Achilles mourns. Shield of Achilles.Major Cha racters of the Book.English Translation. XIX Summary.Reconciled with Agamemnon, Achilles agrees to lead the Greeks.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XX Summary.Gods join the battle. Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, and Hephaestus for the Greeks. Apollo, Artemis, Ares, and Aphrodite for the Trojans.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XXI Summary.Achilles winning. Trojans retreat.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XXII Summary.Hector and Achilles meet in single combat. Death of Hector.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XXIII Summary.Funeral Games for Patroclus.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation. XXIV Summary.Hector desecration, return, and burial.Major Characters of the Book.English Translation.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Call of the Wild Chapters 4 5 6

What do his parents think? Alex’s parents are very worried about him. They become even more worried when they realize that he told the post office to hold all of the letters they sent him until a certain date. Where does Chris/Alex travel in this chapter and what is the time line (dates and locations) July 9th 1990- Datson is flooded is flooded at Lake Mead July 10th 1990- Chris hikes toward N California August 1990- He gets a ride from/meets Crazy Ernie Chapter 5. What did the people of Bullhead City think of Chris/Alex? He is remembered as a strange but nice person. The employees at the McDonald’s where he worked said he worked at a slow pace, which contradicts what was said about his work ethic earlier in the novel. They said he needed to bathe more and one lady feels he quit because she told him so. Describe the slabs in your own words. The slabs are an abandoned military base that has become home to a lot of drifters. What do we learn about Chris/Alex in this chapter? Is your view of him changing? In this chapter we learn that Chris’s work ethic is starting to disappear because the former employees say that they felt he worked slow. My opinion is not really changing any of him because he still is very odd and obviously he is not all right. 4. Trace the timeline in this chapter. May 1991- Departs Las Vegas July/August 1991- Oregon coast September 1991- Hitchhiked down highway 101 to Bullhead city Several months later- moved to the slabs Chapter 6. What changes do you notice in the narrative stance of chapter 6? Chapter 6 isn’t really about chris, its more about the people he met and the lives he affected. Why did they send Krakauer a letter from Ronald Franz? Because Franz wanted a copy of the magazine article which featured Chris and felt very attached to him. In Chris/Alex’s letter to Ron Franz he reveals his philosophy of life. This is important for an understanding of what happened to him. Summarize his ideas in your won words. If you want to get more out of life, Ron, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will first appear to be crazy† 57. This is important because for the first time in words he is sort of describing the lifestyle that he is trying to live. He put the ideolism that he is living by into a phrase. What did Krakauer learn when he visited Franz? He learned that Franz was a very physically large men who did not show his age. He had always been praying for Chris to walk back down the road. When he learned that Chris had died, â€Å"{he} became an athiest† because his prayers were not answered†

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Theoretical concepts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theoretical concepts - Research Paper Example y was to examine the effects of selected person-environment variables as they influenced psychological adaptation in home hospice patients† (Dobratz, 1993, p. 712). Based on the PowerPoint slide, â€Å"The world of research theory: Building the theoretical framework,† a purpose statement clarifies the direction of research, the relationships among the concepts in the study, and often provides the most information about the intent of the research problem. In addition, according to the PowerPoint slide, a purpose statement should clearly state why the researcher is conducting the study. These â€Å"entities† are present in Dobratz (1993) but not all of them are wholly present in the purpose section of the article (p. 712). However, considering the article in its totality, the elements of purpose statements are fully there. Proposition 1: person-environment variables positively influence psychological adaptation to dying. This proposition relates the concepts â€Å"person-environment variables† and â€Å"psychological adaptation to dying†. One conceptual definition is on psychological processes. It is conceptually defined in the article as those â€Å"used by individuals to adapt both to self and to environmental influences (Dobratz, 1993 citing Hann, 1969, 1977). Another conceptual definition is â€Å"physical function† or the â€Å"degree of dependence on other persons for assistance as measured by Karnofsky, Abelmann, Craver, and Burchenal† (Debrotz, 1993, p. 713). The dependent variable is â€Å"psychological adaptation to dying† as indicated by the â€Å"state of well-being related to life satisfaction† as measured by the Affect Balance Scale described in Dobratz (1993, p. 713). The independent variables are age, length of illness since diagnosis, gender, social support as perceived by the ill (perception of value, group belonging, provision of attachment/intimacy, chance for nurturance, etc.), and pain intensity as developed by Melzack (1975). Consistent with

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis paper - Article Example He arguably concludes that western standards are being used in Arab programs. He believes that the show created by Saudi Arabians who emulated western ideals and wanted to convince the society that Islamic discourse is inferior over western discourse. Kraidy says that he used critical discourse and institutional research analysis which indicates that his response was negotiated. He came up with a conclusion based on the interviews and polling data that which reflected the thoughts of the citizens. He also interviews the elite in the society and compares it to the opinions of the public that indicates that his thoughts are purely negotiated (Kraidy 347). This negotiated response increases the trustworthiness of his study and conclusions. He does not consider all Islamic practices and hence his response is dominant. His major consideration is gender mixing, and he does not give any attention to Islamic cultures (Kraidy 346). Although most of his conclusions are based on research, he insists on his personal idea that women sovereignty should be valued, and hence his research is dominant and at the same time

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Kite Runner Essay Example for Free

The Kite Runner Essay Loyalty is an attitude of devotion, faithfulness and affection. In the novel The kite runner Loyalty is a prominent theme throughout. There are signs of loyalty between a few characters but the main ones concerning Hassan and Amir . Hassan comes from a rough social background, lacks education and is the main victim of disloyalty by Amir however he was the character who portrayed loyalty the most. Amir is constantly putting Hassans loyalty to the test. He asks him if he would chew dirt and Hassan answers him in saying that if he was asked to then yes he would but he challenges Amirs loyalty at the same time in saying â€Å" but I wonder, would you ever ask me to do such a thing amir agha† . Hassan shows loyalty to Amir when he admits to stealing his watch and his money. He knew all along that Amir wanted to get rid of him and Ali however being the loyal servant and friend he was he admits to a crime which he did not commit for Amirs sake . he does this To ensure Baba does not see Amir as a liar. The main incident which proves the magnitude of Hassans loyalty towards Amir was when Amir watched Hassan get raped but did nothing to stop it. And although Hassan endured the most traumatic experience of his life he remains loyal to Amir and disregards the fact that he witnessed the entire scenario. He ignores Amirs sinful actions and instead asks if HE had done something wrong. Throughout his life, Amir is haunted by the disloyalty with which he has always treated Hassan, especially since Hassan had always been unquestionably loyal to him. Little things like hand washed and ironed clothes neatly placed on the chair and the wood already burning at breakfast time reminds Amir of Hassans continuous loyalty and causes him extreme guilt Hassan even dies a loyal man by resisting the Taliban when they came to take possession of Babas house. Amir finally gets the opportunity to change his life for the better and for a change demonstrate his faithfulness towards Hassan after his death. By Amir making a dangerous trip back to Afghanistan to rescue and raise Hassans son -Sohrab from the Taliban is a prime example of returning his loyalty to Hassan . Amir flies kites with sorab and tells him how hassan was the best kite flyer. He develops a close relationship with sorab and treats him as if he were his own son. He truly wants the best for Sorab and he is finally given the opportunity to be as loving and loyal as Hassan once was.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Boston Tea Party Essay -- essays research papers

The Boston Tea Party   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most people have heard about the Boston Tea Party. When American’s dumped British Tea in Boston Harbor. But not everyone understands the importance of it, and why the Tea Party is still remembered today. It was on December 16, 1773, when American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians threw 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company from ships into Boston Harbor. â€Å"The Americans were protesting both a tax on tea (the Townshend Acts) and the perceived monopoly of the East India Company (also the called English East India Company)† (Britannica p.1). The Townshend Acts were a series of four acts passed by the British Parliament in an attempt to assert what it considered to be its historic right of colonial authority through suspension of a recalcitrant representative assembly and through strict collection provisions of additional revenue duties. The British-American colonists named the acts after Charles Townshend, who sponsored them. â€Å"The Suspending Act prohibited the New York Assembly from conducting any further business until it complied with the financial requirements of the Quartering Act (1765) for the expenses of British troops stationed there† (Britannica p.1). The second act, often called the Townshend duties, and imposed direct revenue duties payable at colonial ports, on lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea. It was the second time in the history of the colonies that a tax had been levied solely f...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Law Factual Summary

Factual Summary Susie is a minor, who choose to meet friends at a park at 1 1 pm, when the city law clearly states that a curfew is enforced for anyone after 1 1 pm in the park. Officer ruthless enforced the law, but and the law also states that a person can ride In back of a camper with no seat belt. Jerry a minor with little to no driving knowledge skills was giving Susie and Kathy a ride. The total time from the Incident to when the truck got In accident was 1 hour and a half, Susie lived a mile from the park.The officer loud of either escorted Susie home thus not causing the Incident, or let her walk. But In the end each person Is entitled to their mistakes. Legal Issues In the case of Susie v City of Elsewhere and Officer Ruthless, Is It negligence In the part of Susie and her friends knowing that they were violating the 1 1 :Mom curfew for being In the park? Was Officer Ruthless also at fault for neglecting the comment that Susie stated to him, â€Å"she only lived a few block s from the park†, and not escorting or letting her go home to prevent the accident?The final questions, I as a Judge would ask, is during the one and half hour time span from when the minors were told to leave the park by Officer Ruthless, What events occurred to make the driver get in an accident? Did the minors partake in illegal activities, I. E. Drinking and driving, or illegal drugs? Was there a toxicology report filed from the scene of the crime? There are many avenues of approach that I as a Judge would need to know such as reports to properly handle and file who is at fault in this case.Without the actual evidence from both sides, it will be unclear to know who is liable and who is not. Legal Concept This case is based on the legal concept of minors breaking the law, which in this matter was the 1 1 :Mom curfew. They had known of this law and yet morally choose not to obey it, and instead of going home as instructed by Officer Ruthless, Susie Marks, and her two friends decided to hang out for another hour and a half, thus resulting in the accident. In the state which this case is filed in, the law states it is k to have a passenger ride in the cab of the truck without a settable.Certain laws need to be revamped since this is clearly now a safe way to transport passengers, especially after midnight, when most accidents tend to occur. Analysis/Conclusion With properly reading the statements from both Susie Marks and Officer Ruthless, It Is clear that even though the Officer had told all the parties involved with Susie to leave, they choose to do other activities not relating to the park. The City of Elsewhere and Officer Ruthless cannot be at fault for the time between 1 1 :MOM and the time of the accident.The officer did his Job by obeying the laws and guidelines and Susie and her friends clearly did what they wanted to and as a result got Involved In the accident. Justice is blind but It Is the duty of each Individual to look out for one another In the Interest of life. Negligence on Susie Marks and her friends' behalf led to the accident. Law Factual Summary By greengrocery's ruthless enforced the law, but and the law also states that a person can ride in back was giving Susie and Kathy a ride.The total time from the incident to when the truck to in accident was 1 hour and a half, Susie lived a mile from the park. The officer could of either escorted Susie home thus not causing the incident, or let her walk, but in the end each person is entitled to their mistakes. Legal Issues In the case of Susie v City of Elsewhere and Officer Ruthless, is it negligence in the part of Susie and her friends knowing that they were violating the 1 1 :Mom curfew for being in the park? Was Officer Ruthless also at fault for neglecting the comment especially after midnight, when most accidents tend to occur.Analysis/Conclusion With properly reading the statements from both Susie Marks and Officer Ruthless, it is clear that even though the Off icer had told all the parties involved with Susie to and Officer Ruthless cannot be at fault for the time between 1 1 :MOM and the time of and her friends clearly did what they wanted to and as a result got involved in the accident. Justice is blind but it is the duty of each individual to look out for one another in the interest of life. Negligence on Susie Marks and her friends' behalf led

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Beyond Bourgeois Gentrification Essay

We’ve all seen those new work-live artist loft spaces in the remodeled industrial complexes next to the new galleries, cafes and office buildings that used to be factories, low-income housing tenements or warehouses. They look chic and modern while still trying to maintain their urban appeal. However, what does gentrification mean in our post-industrial urban society and how should we address its contradictory standing? According to the PBS special Flag Wars: What is Gentrification, it is the â€Å"general term for the arrival of wealthier people in an existing urban district, a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the district’s character and culture (Grant). In this vein, we can read gentrification from two perspectives. The first would be from the point of view of the newly arrived ‘wealthier people’ who see this process as an investment in urban renewal that brings down crime rates and increases the economic cultural capital of what was once a neglected and impoverished neighborhood. On the other hand, gentrification as seen from the perspective of the original community is thought of as another form of economic and geographic discrimination and exclusion due to the increase in rent and property values as well as the overall cost of living. The issue of urban displacement results in an unbalanced benefit for the already economically advantaged. UNESCO recently published an article concerning this contradiction: â€Å"Building projects become the centre piece of the city’s economy, justified by job creation, taxes, tourism and the building of large cultural complexes† (Smith). What makes this such a divisive issue and halts community building is that much of the new investment comes from the social class that fled to the suburbs during the white-flight era of urbanization. After fleeing to the suburbs due to a discomfort of having to live so close to other racial and ethnic populations, there is now a distrust of the new inhabitants by the pre-existing urban population who are being forced out of their own neighborhoods. So we must ask ourselves how we can overcome this contradictory social movement in a way that will be mutually beneficial to all involved parties. The best way to accomplish this would be to invite community dialogue in an effort to address all sides of the issue. An interesting study put out by the Urban Institute echoes this sentiment. They emphasize the need for â€Å"strategies used by nonprofit organizations, for-profit developers, and city agencies to ensure low- to-moderate-income residents can live in revitalizing and gentrifying neighborhoods† (Levy). This is essential in order make sure that all voices can be heard so that more than just money talks. If this can be done, urban renewal can be embraced and cultural diversity can flourish in a vibrant new community based on shared principles and the exchange of different ideas. We must abandon the notion that gentrification is either positive or negative, as many people have argued in the past. Gentrification is a social process that affects us all differently depending on our own cultural context. That being the case, let us open the discussion to the public at large so that everyone has an equal say in how their community will develop. Urban transformation is a constant presence that we need to shape into a vision of the future that we would all like to live in. References Grant, Benjamin. (2003). What is Gentrification?. PBS Flag Wars. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from http://www. pbs. org/pov/pov2003/flagwars/special Levy, Diane, & Comey, Jennifer, & Padilla, Sandra. (2006). In the Face of Gentrification. Urban Institute. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from http://www. urban. org/publications/411294. html Smith, Neil. (2007). From Gentrification to Forced Eviction – how should economic competitiveness be reconciled with social sustainability in historical districts?. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Retrieved November 30, 2008, from http://portal. unesco. org/shs/en/ev. php

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sas Case Study Essay Example

Sas Case Study Essay Example Sas Case Study Essay Sas Case Study Essay Succeeding with old-fashioned values in a new industry 1 (revised September 2010) Adapted by CH Besseyre des Horts from C. A. OReilly III J. Pfeffer (2000) : Hidden Value, how great companies achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people, Harvard Business School Press, pp. 99-117. 1 1 CASE STUDY THE SAS INSTITUTE : Succeeding with old-fashioned values in a new industry TREATING PEOPLE DIFFERENTLY (and better) than they expect to be treated, and differently than other companies in the industry treat them, is not something that only works in retailing. Even in the world of high technology and software development, there is a case to be made for being different. And few companies in this industry are as different as the one described in this chapter : SAS Institute that was ranked in 2010 the #1 Best Company to Work For in the USA 2 , # 10 in India 3 and among the 25 Top Employers in China 4 . SAS Institute, the largest privately owned software company in the world, is an anachronism. In an era of relentless pressure, this place is an oasis of calm. In an age of frantic competition, this place is methodical and clearheaded. In a world of free agency, signing bonuses, and stock options, this is a place where loyalty matters more than money. In a world of outsourcing and contracting out, SAS Institute outsources and contracts out almost nothing. Day care workers, onsite health professionals, food service workers, and even most security guards are all SAS Institute employees. In an era of managed care, SAS offers a full indemnity health plan with low deductibles. In almost every respect, SAS Institute seems like a throwback to an earlier era, to a time when there were long-term attachments between companies and their people, and large, progressive organizations such as Eastman Kodak, S. C. Johnson, and Sears offered generous, inclusive benefits in an effort to enhance the welfare of their workforce. Not all observers seem to approve of this form of employment relationship. Some people say that SAS Institute reeks of paternalism or a plantation mentality in a world otherwise dominated by market like labor market transactions. For instance, an article in Forbes stated, More than one observer calls James Goodnights SAS Institute, Inc. , the Stepford software company after the movie The Stepford Wives. In the movie, people were almost robot-like in their behavior, apparently under the control of some outside force. Another article noted, The place can come across as being a bit too perfect, as if working there might mean surrendering some of your personality. Of course, no one is forced to work at the company, and there are many nearby opportunities available. SAS Institute is so inclusive and comprehensive in what it does for its people that it makes some observers, more accustomed to the arms-length, occasionally adversarial relationship between employers and employees now so typical in organizations, uncomfortable. Certainly, aspects of the companys generous benefits, spacious, campus-like grounds, and concern for the total welfare of all of its people seem out of place in contemporary management practice. What a puzzle! How can a company that operates like firms did fifty years ago succeed in todays economy-not only that, but succeed in one of the most high-technology sectors of that economy, software? SAS Institute poses a second mystery. The conventional wisdom is that turnover is endemic and inevitable in high technology in general and software in particular. In these industries 2 3 http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/bestcompanies/2010/full_list/ greatplacetowork. in/best/list-in. htm 4 topemployers. com. n/en/employers/OurProjects/ChinasTopEmployers2010/CertifiedorganisationsA Z. aspx 2 there is a tremendous shortage of people, and job hopping is an accepted and even expected part of peoples career strategy. But SAS Institute, with no signing bonuses, no stock options, no phantom stock-none of the gimmicks that have come to be taken for granted as ways of inducing people to join and remain in companies-has a turnover rate of less than 4 percent. Never in the more than thirty-two years of the companys history has turnover been above 5 percent. SAS Institute is located in Cary, in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. It is surrounded by numerous pharmaceutical companies, as well as by IBM, Northern Telecom, and many other high-technology and software companies, so SAS people would not have to move geographically if they wanted to change jobs. How in the world has SAS Institute kept its turnover so low and succeeded so well in wooing and retaining the talent that has permitted the company to flourish? BACKGROUND SAS Institute was founded in 1976 by Dr. James Goodnight, John Sall, Anthony Barr, and Jane Helwig. Goodnight, today the CEO, was an undergraduate in applied mathematics at North Carolina State University in the 1960s. The son of a hardware store owner, he helped pay his way through college by moonlighting as a programmer. After graduating, Goodnight worked for General Electric on the ground control system for the Apollo space program before returning to North Carolina State to obtain his doctorate in statistics in 1971. He then joined the faculty on a so-called soft money appointment-a position in which you had to go out and get the grants to pay your own salary. Goodnight and Barr, who had worked for IBM for two years developing an information system for the Pentagon and was now also working at State, thought it was wasteful to have to write a new program every time students wanted to do a new statistical analysis. They decided to develop a uniform program that could be used over and over, and that could solve lots of different kinds of [statistical] problems. Having developed such a system, they leased SAS (Statistical Analysis System) to other agricultural schools in the region and to some pharmaceutical companies. When the soft money began to dry up, they were told they could stay on at the university but would have to pay their own salaries. Instead, they left and formed their own company. When that company, SAS Institute, Inc. , began in 1976 as an independent entity, it already had 100 paying customers and was cash flow positive. Except for a mortgage on its first building, SAS Institute has never had any debt, nor has it ever had to raise outside venture or other equity capital. What about ownership of the intellectual property? North Carolina State ceded them all copyrights on the program in exchange for free upgrades. If this seems generous, consider that in the 1970s there really wasnt a software industry and no one knew what software was worth. As Jim Goodnight recounts, when his wife would tell people her husband worked in software, they thought it was some type of clothing or undergarments. One of the cofounders, Anthony Barr, sold his 40 percent stake in the company for about $340,0 00 in 1979. Jane Helwig left to found another software company, Seasoned Systems, with her husband and then decided to attend medical school. She now practices obstetrics/ gynecology, and her stepsons, Mark and David Helwig, work for SAS Institute. Today, James Goodnight owns two-thirds of the company; the other cofounder, John Sall, owns the other third. Goodnights two-thirds stake of SAS Institute means that, according to Forbes, he is the forty-second richest person in the world. John Sall, also a billionaire, is not active at all in the 3 management of SAS Institute and does not want to be. He sees himself as a statistician and a software developer-not a businessperson or a manager. Over the years, the SAS program has expanded to become a twenty module system for data warehousing, data mining, and decision support. With 6. million lines of code, the massive program is used by the U . S. Census Bureau to count and categorize population, by the Agriculture Department to develop crop forecasts and by the long distance phone companies to figure out how much to charge for each call . Banks use SAS Institute software to do credit scoring, hotels use the product to manage frequent visitor programs, and catalog companies use the system to help decide which people to mail particular catalogs. The original statistical analysis package that was the foundation of the company currently contributes less than 2 percent of total revenue. SAS Institute operates on a worldwide basis. In 2009, the company has many sales offices in the United States and more than 400 offices globally, as well as 600 licensed distributors. Ninety-seven percent of the Fortune 100 companies use SAS software, as do more than 93 percent of the Global 500. SAS Institute has more than 45,000 customers sites throughout the world in 122 countries 5 . Because SAS Institute is privately owned, information on its finances is not publicly available. Figures 1 and 2 present information on sales revenues for the past 23 and 33 years. SAS Institute is currently the largest privately owned independent software company. SAS Institute has enjoyed double-digit revenue growth since its founding. Year Revenues (millions US $) 1986 98 1990 240 1994 482 1998 871 2002 1. 180 2005 1. 68 2007 2. 15 2008 2. 26 2009 2. 31 Figure 1 : Annual Sales Revenues for SAS Institute 1986 – 2009 6 Figure 2 : SAS Annual Revenue History 1976 – 2009 3 5 6 SAS Institute company fact sheet ( sas. com/company/about/statistics. html ) Annual report SAS Institute 2009 ( sas. com/corporate/annual-report-current. df) and company fact sheet ( sas. com/company/about/statistics. html ) 4 The company has no single competitor that provides precisely the range of software products it does, but in segments of its business it competes with companies such as SPSS that offer statistical analysis and graphic packages, with vendors of decision support and graphics, or with database management companies such as Oracle; Although originally running only on mainframes, SAS applications run on midrange computers, workstations, and personal computers as well as on a variety of mainframe platforms. The company is to use Internetand intranet-based applications. SAS Institute has spent in 2009 about 23 percent of its revenues on research and development, an amount that has remained remarkably constant over the years and is about twice the average for the software industry. SAS Institute employs about 11,325 people (end of 2009), approximately 38% of them work at corporate headquarters at Cary. Almost all of the companys software development occurs at Cary, with the other offices performing account management and service support. If anyone thinks that SAS Institutes success was foreordained by its being at the right place at the right time, a comparison with SPSS is particularly revealing. SPSS was founded in the late 1960s by three Stanford University graduate students to offer packages for statistical packages. SPSS incorporated in 1975 and set up its headquarters in Chicago. In August 1993, SPSS offered stock to the public. SPSS applications originally ran only on mainframes, but in the 1980s they were migrated to a personal computer operating environment. In 1996, desktop revenues were almost 80 percent of total revenues. SPSS traditionally offers data analysis and graphics software, process documentation, and various management products. More recently, SPSS principal activity has moved to provide technology that transforms data into insight through the use of predictive analytics and other data mining techniques : SPSS solutions and products enable organizations to improve decision-making by learning from the past, understanding the present as well as anticipating future problems and opportunities. Although its origins in a university were similar to SAS Institute and it was founded at about the same time, the growth of the two companies has been quite different. In the fiscal year that ended December 31, 2008, SPSS had revenues of $302. 9 million 7 , less than one-seventh that of SAS Institute and about 1,200 employees compare to more than 11,000. SPSS was subsequently acquired late 2009 by the giant IBM 8 in order to reinforce its predictive analytics solutions’ offerings. Strategy SAS Institutes business strategy is built on relationships. As described in the companys 1996 annual report, The Institute is founded on a philosophy of forming lasting relationships with our customers, our business partners, and our employees. These critical relationships, combined with our leading-edge software and services, together form the basic elements of our success. Relationships are important because, unlike many software vendors, SAS Institute does not sell products and subsequent upgrades but rather offers site licenses, provided on an annual basis after a thirty-day free trial. The software is not cheap. A charge of $50,000 a year for 50 users is typical. However, the licenses include free upgrades to new versions of the software and outstanding customer support. Initial first-year revenues are less than if the product were sold outright, but over time, revenues from a given customer will be 7 8 corporateinformation. com/Company-Snapshot. aspx? cusip=78462K102 spss. com/ibm-announce/ 5 higher as long as that customer remains with SAS Institute. The companys license renewal rate is over 98 percent. Early 2009, the economic crisis situation has not impacted the optimistic view of the market as expressed by Jim Goodnight in the 2008 annual report : In 2008, organizations of all sizes- spanning every industry and geography- felt the effects of a slowing economy. Though everyone is still trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am optimistic about the future, and I’ll tell you why. Businesses have been forced, by necessity, to get back to basics- to focus on the essentials that can help them weather this economic crisis. If the market has taught us anything, it is that no matter how bad things get, they will get better. How individual businesses conduct themselves in the face of such dire economic circumstances will help determine who will be around when things begin to improve†¦ 9 This positive vision was confirmed early 2010 by Jim Goodnight in the 2009 annual report : â€Å"Our optimism and determination in the face of an uncertain economy paid off last year, and we finished 2009 – our 34th consecutive year of growth – with global revenues of US$2. 31 billion, up 2. 2 percent over 2008 results. Our revenue from software sales alone jumped 3. 3 percent at a time when the software revenue of other major vendors has been declining. Customers are increasingly turning to SAS ® solutions to maximize effective customer relations, more effectively manage operations and engage in better risk management. Software revenue was strong in several areas, including customer intelligence, credit risk, supply chain and text analytics, attesting that companies striving to survive in a down economy, and succeed in times of recovery and growth, need such solutions to answer complex business problems, spur innovation and enable success. † 10 Customer support is one key to maintaining satisfied customers. SAS Institute has one technical support person for every 100 customers. Customer loyalty is intense. Like many software companies, SAS Institute sponsors user group meetings. One difference is the loyalty of the users who attend these meetings. SAS veterans of previous user conventions wear up to 20 badges on their jackets as a demonstration of loyalty. Howard Dresner, research director for the Gartner Group, sometimes speaks at SAS user group meetings and commented, I was afraid that if I said anything negative they [the users] would lynch me. Product development at SAS Institute is also based on staying in very close touch with customers and giving them what they want and need. Jim Goodnight said : Listen to the customers. Give them the software they want. There is no reason to develop software they dont want. . . . Once a project is underway, well have a few of our customers come in that we know are interested. in a particular area and have meetings with them and have them test the software weve developed. . . . If we could make these products fit the needs of half a dozen companies through these strategic partnerships, it will pretty well fit the needs of other companies as well One way information is acquired is by meeting with users in user group conferences. SAS Institute has six regional user groups in the United States, one international group, and a dozen country-specific user groups. It also sponsors a number of user group conferences throughout the world each year. At user conferences, the company holds a contest asking questions about the SAS software, for which customers have been known to study for days. 9 10 Annual report SAS Institute 2008 Annual report SAS Institute 2009 ( sas. com/corporate/annual-report-current. pdf) 6 Each year the company sends each of its customers a ballot asking what features they would like to see. From tabulating the results of that ballot, the company decides on its development priorities for the coming year. The company does not have a focused product strategy, nor does it engage into along-range planning. Goodnight believes that the industry is evolving too rapidly for such planning and, as he puts it, I am not as much of a visionary as Bill Gates, so I cant tell where the industry is going. The company will not turn down a product idea that seems sound, even if the idea doesnt fit tightly into the existing product line. As David Russo , formerly the vice president of human resources commented, the company operates on the philosophy of the educator Maria Montessori, namely, that creativity should be followed not led. Russo noted that if youre hiring creative people, you give them their head, you tell them that its all right to take chances and you mean it, they will do their best. People at SAS Institute are encouraged to do new things. David Russo commented: Have you ever heard us talk about the holes ? He [Goodnight] says that hes dug a lot of holes. The only smart thing is knowing when to quit digging. . . We dont know if its going to make a lot of money for the company or not. But the technology out there is exciting and it might turn into something. Go for it. As one consequence of this customer-focused, employee-initiative product development philosophy, SAS Institute is developing video games and is moving heavily into educational software. Neither of these areas is within the scope of its t raditional focus on statistical and data mining products. These new products are being internally incubated, not obtained through acquisitions. One other important element of SAS Institutes business is its drive for market share and revenue growth. David Russo commented that the company, and Jim Goodnight, wants the software everywhere. If its a choice between making X dollars per sale or having more people have the software, he would rather have the software everywhere. He [Goodnight] thinks that there is no reason that any midsized or large enterprise shouldnt be using SAS. They should be using SAS for everything. So his perspective is, it should be out there. And as a result, hell try anything. SAS INSTITUTE PHILOSOPHY AND VALUE The fundamental way that SAS Institute operates has been the same since its inception and is premised on a small, consistent set of values and beliefs. One is the desire to create a corporation where it was much fun for the workers as for top management. Two principles are inherent in that statement. The first is the principle that all people at SAS Institute are treated fairly and equally. In its practices and day-to-day operations, the company is a very egalitarian place. Jim Goodnight nor anybody else has a reserved parking space. His health plan is no different from that of the day care workers. There is no executive dining roomeveryone regardless of position can eat at one of the on-site company cafeterias, where highquality, subsidized food is accompanied by a pianist playing during the lunch hour. Everyone at SAS Institute has a private office, not a cubicle. Dress is casual and decided by what the person feels comfortable wearing. As Goodnight explained, Four of us started the business. When we started, there were no employees, we were all principals. What we tried to do was to treat people who joined the company as we ourselves wanted to be treated. . . The 7 company is characterized by an egalitarian approach. The second important principle is that the workplace should be fun and people should be treated with dignity and respect. This philosophy comes from Goodnights early experiences. When he worked for General Electric on the Apollo space program, although the work was interesting, the job environmen t was not good: We had guards at the door every day. . . . We had to sign in. Youd go down the hall and put your quarter in the machine and get a cup of coffee out. A lot of these things, I found somewhat offensive. Essentially, SAS Institute believes in the power of reciprocity-that people feel obligated to return favors that are done for them. Or, more prosaically stated, if you treat your people well, they will treat the company well by being loyal and dedicated in return. Jim Goodnight has commented that he likes being around happy people. Who wouldnt ? He and other SAS Institute leaders believe that if you take care of your people, they will take care of the company. As one manager put it, the basic philosophy is one of trickle down-if you treat people well, things will take care of themselves. A third, interconnected part of the philosophy that guides SAS Institute is a belief in and reliance on intrinsic, internal motivation. Part of trusting people is treating them like resp onsible adults and relying on them to do a good job. Barrett Joyner, vice president of North American sales and marketing, noted that the emphasis is on coaching rather than monitoring and controlling. Trust and respect- its amazing how far you can go with that. The importance placed on people comes from the fact that SAS Institute operates in a business critically dependent on intellectual capital. David Russo, who was head of human resources for more than seventeen years, explained: The best way to produce the best and get the best results is to behave as if the people who are creating those things for you are important to you individually. Every night at 6 oclock, all of our assets walk out the door†¦We just hope they come back at nine the next morning.. If you believe that, then its just a waterfall of common sense. It just means that you take care of the folks who are taking care of you. . . . Why we do the things we do is whats important. The things we do are secondary. . . . They are just a natural outgrowth of a philosophy that if you really mean that your people are important, you will treat them like they are important. The final part of the SAS Institute philosophy comes from an important insight about the business and economic benefits that come from creating an environment in which both the physical aspects the workplace and the services offered to employees relieve the stress and the day-to-day concerns of people: We believe that an employee with some of the normal workday stresses relieved . . is more productive, not only for that day, but comes back more refreshed and able to be more productive that second day . . . and so on, explains Russo. The point of the strategy is to make it impossible for people not do their work, by removing as many distractions and concerns possible. The ideas that people are important, that if you take care of them they will take care of the company, and that taking care of them involves treating them as you yourself might want to be treated are not particularly novel or complicated. What makes SAS Institute fairly unusual is that it actually lives by these simple precepts. Implementing this philosophy requires taking 8 a long-term approach. SAS Institute definitely thinks long term. Goodnight commented, We only take a long-term view of all issues. Since any project will take at least one to three years to come to fruition, a long-term perspective is required This long-term perspective extends to the management of people at SAS Institute. HOW SAS INSTITUTE MANAGES ITS PEOPLE The management practices SAS Institute uses are all premised on the idea that in an intellectual capital business, attracting and retain talent is paramount, and that the way to attract and retain good people is to give them interesting work to do, interesting people to do it with, and treat them like the responsible adults that they are. It is a management system based on trust and mutual respect. The fact that it is so unusual says something about most contemporary organizations and their leaders. The fact that the system works so well says a lot about human potential and what it takes to unlock that potential. Benefits and the Work Environment SAS Institute is probably most famous for its generous, family-friendly benefits and pleasant physical work environment. As already mentioned, everyone (including assistants) has a nice private office and is provided with the latest computer equipment. As in many organizations, the philosophy and practices reflect the founders early experiences and their reactions to those experiences. Goodnight tells about interviewing for a job as a computer programmer-a job he did not take- when he was a young man: The programmers sat in desk after desk, lined up row after row, in a building that was like an aircraft hangar. No walls, no privacy. Company headquarters at Cary consists of eighteen buildings scattered over a 200-acre campus-like setting with a lake and beautiful grounds and forests. The grounds feature outdoor sculpture and picnic areas, as well as hiking trails. People sometimes bring their friends and family to the grounds on the weekend for picnics or hiking. The building are architecturally interesting, with atriums and light wells. Goodnight himself oversees their design. They are beautifully decorated with art something that a committee of four, including an artist-in-residence as well as Goodnight, attends to. Company policy is for people to work about thirty-five hours a week, or a 9 to 5 work day with an hour for lunch and exercise. If you call after 5 P. M. , the voice mail system tells you that the company is closed. As David Russo noted, if you shot off a tell gauge shotgun in the parking lot on a typical Wednesday at 7 P. M. , you wouldnt hit anything. Goodnight and other senior leaders have the same schedule. Betty Friend, the director of corporate communications, has contrasted SAS Institute with other software companies, commenting, you know that old joke about Microsoft having flex time, they dont care what 18 hours you work? The company believes that people dont perform effectively when they are tired. Jim Goodnight commented: Ive seen some of the code that people produce after these long nights and its garbage. You throw it away the next day and start over. . . You have got to be alert and sharp to be a good programmer. . . . Id rather have sharp, focused people that write good code that doesnt need as much testing. I recently came back from a Microsoft conference and they said that now Microsoft has three testers for every programmer. 9 The reduced work hours permit people to have both a job and a life. It means that women dont have to give up their careers if they want to s ee their children. As a consequence, at SAS Institute more than 50 percent of the managers are women, a relatively high percentage for the software industry. The company has been able to attract and retain both men and women with its work-family balance. The company has a number of other amenities and benefits, such as an on-site 7,500-squarefoot medical facility staffed by six nurse practitioners, two family practice physicians, a physical therapist, massage therapist, and a mental health nurse. The average waiting time to be seen, if you have an appointment, is five minutes. When waiting times increase (for instance, because of the growth in the number of SAS people), the medical facility adds people, adjusts hours, or does something else to reduce the waiting time. SAS Institute recognizes that time is money and that time spent obtaining medical care cant be used on work. The facility is free to employees and their families, although there is a small copayment required for the massage therapist. The companys full indemnity health plan-not an HMO or a PPO, and with no managed carehas a $100 deductible per person, $350 per family, and covers first dollar costs for many things. Nonetheless, SAS Institutes health care costs are $1,000 per employee below the average health care costs for plans that arent nearly as ich as theirs. The SAS Institute health plan includes vision care, hearing, a go dental plan, free physicals, free mammography, and many other benefits. Gail Adcock, the manager of corporate health services, noted that the goal of her group was to keep people at work and to decrease turnover, not simply to save money. SAS Institute also provides on-site Montessori day care, with one staff for every three children. Although the day care was originally provided completely free, SAS employees now pay about one third of what the comparable fee would be in the market. Between the on-site and subsidized off-site care, SAS Institute provides child care for 528 children. SAS Institute has a fitness center that includes a large aerobics floor, two full-length basketball courts, a private, skylit yoga room, and workout areas segregated by gender. . . . Outside, there are soccer and softball fields. All of this is free to employees and their families. SAS Institute provides towels and even launders exercise clothes, also for free. The company estimates that 65 percent of its people use the exercise center two of more times per week. SAS is noted for its snack facilities-refrigerators and small eating areas- scattered throughout the buildings. Every Wednesday afternoon, plain and peanut MMs are distributed to these snack areas on every floor and every building. SAS Institute uses 22. 5 tons of MMs a year. SAS Institute was one of the early companies to offer benefits for domestic partners. It provides on-site help in arranging elder care. The company provides financial assistance and paid leave for adoptions. The companys cafeterias provide excellent food at subsidized prices, with live piano music in the background. Families are encouraged to use this facility, and many parents will eat lunch with their children who are at the on-site day care facility. A program provides undergraduate scholarships to SAS Institute employees on a competitive basis. The company even helps with housing: It sells some of the land it owns to employees at discounted prices so they can build homes. The idea behind all of this is to remove distractions that keep people from focusing on their jobs and also to reduce the stresses that come from dealing with the common demands of life. 10 For SAS employees not working at Cary, every effort is made to provide similar levels of benefits and amenities, either on site or by purchasing them for employees at local vendors. The idea is to provide Cary-level care for everyone. Performance Management David Russos theory of performance management is simple: Give people the tools to do their jobs and then let them do it, while holding them accountable. Every SAS product manual includes the names of the developers and testers who created or updated the software. Try finding the name of any person in the product manuals for most software companies, such as Microsoft. SAS Institute has eliminated the performance appraisal form. David Russo explained the decision: We dont do performance appraisals. Why? Because theyre stupid. Because everybody hates them. Because they take an inordinate amount of time with always a negative result. Instead of formal appraisals, managers commit to spending time talking to their people and providing feedback on a regular basis, at least three times a year. In return for getting rid of the appraisals, managers also committed to walking around and talking to their people. Russo believes: If there were a good performance appraisal process, everybody would be using it. . . . So what happens is companies institute a new performance appraisal process, it works for a while because its new, and all of a sudden it starts to slide and then they start looking for something else. . . .I dont think you can really manage someones performance. I think you can observe the results. . . . I think you can set short- and long-term goals. And you can sit back and see if it happens or i1 doesnt happen. The companys fundamental approach to performance management entails setting high expectations for both conduct and performance, which then become self-fulfilling, and giving people the freedom to do what they like to meet these expectations. John Boling, director of the educational technologies division, said: When Ive wanted to do research, Ive had the opportunity. When Ive wanted to travel, Ive had the opportunity. When Ive wanted to publish, Ive had the opportunity. Its been pretty much my taking the initiative. . . . We assume that you have talent, creativity, and initiative. You have to be able to take that and run with it. SAS Institute operates on the basis of trust. Violations of that trust are not sanctioned. The company, therefore, has no sick days or sick leave policy. Nor does it have a sick child care program. Jim Goodnight believes if a child is sick, it should be home with its mother or father. Commenting on the companys sick day policy and the issue of trust, David Russo said: We dont have sick days. If youre sick for six months, youre going to get flowers, youre going to get candy, youre going to get a lot of concern and a lot of visits. If youre sick for six or seven Mondays in a row, youre going to get gone. Its a simple thing. . . . Now, do we have free riders ? Absolutely, and guess who figures them out? Their peers. Management doesnt have to take care of that. They surface and they either get right or eventually . . . they get gone. Its just the way it is 11 Managers are evaluated principally on their ability to attract and retain talent. The company believes that in a business based on skill and know-how, if it can get and keep the best people, the rest will take of itself. Pay Practices SAS Institute provides none of its employees with stock options, phantom stock, performance shares, or similar schemes. Goodnight has referred to stock options as Ponzi schemes. The company does contribute to the maximum allowed by Internal Revenue Service regulation, 15 percent, to employees profit sharing (40lk) retirement plans. There is no matchingemployees do not have to contribute anything. SAS Institute has done this for more than twenty years, a record unmatched by any other company. A small bonus based partly on the companys financial performance, typically on the order of 5. percent to 8 percent, is paid at the end of the year. Base salaries are quite competitive with the industry and are adjusted annually, although people have taken pay cuts to work at SAS Institute because they value the work environment so highly. Salary increases are based on supervisors assessments of an individuals performance, so in that sense, there is a merit pay system. However, SAS Institute tries to deemphasize the importance of financial rewards because most SAS managers dont believe money is a very effective motivator. As David Russo put it, A raise is only a raise for thirty days. After that, its just somebodys salary. Its one thing not to emphasize financial rewards in software development and administration. But SAS Institute eschews the piece rate system even for its sales organization. Account representatives do not receive commissions on sales. Goodnight noted, commissions do not encourage an orientation toward taking the customer and building long-term relationships. Also, a commission culture tends to be more high pressure and high stress than what the leadership wants for their company. Barrett ]oyner, head of North American sales and marketing, described their philosophy and approach to achieving performance: We have sales targets, but mostly as a way of keeping score. I want to make the numbers, but I want to make the numbers the right way†¦. Im not smart enough to invent on a formula. People are constantly finding holes in incentive plans. He commented that many companies used incentive systems a of signaling what was important, that is, as a communications device. Joyner said that instead of using incentive schemes for this purpose Here, we just tell people what we want them to do and what we expect. To further downplay individual short-term performance, SAS Institute does not even post comparative sales data by name. Some observers believe that this kind of pay system does not encourage the best people to join and remain in the organization. Instead, the thinking goes, these high-potential people will go to places where they can do better financially. The re is, of course, no way of definitively answering this concern. However, Barrett ]oyner had the following cor on this issue: As you know, we move people around a lot at the Institute, so even though we have low turnover, account representatives may change assignments. I frequently get calls from 12 customers that say, I dont want to lose my account executive. How many software firms do you know where that happens? Training, Career Development, and Mobility SAS Institute believes in training, but it is almost all internally done. New employees receive an orientation program from senior managers history of the company, its vision, and its values. New employees learn about the products, the organizational structure, the business model, and the customers. Long-time employees really enjoy and value helping with this socialization. A lot of technical training takes place. For instance, in a nine and a half month period in 1997, about 400 technical training seminars were held that had a total of 3,000 people in attendance. In the sales organization, new people receive two weeks of training in Cary, but the company is moving to a five to six-week program delivered over a six-month period to beef up sales training effort. SAS Institute does not offer tuition reimbursement for outside classes. Although it has sent people to outside management or leadership training programs on rare occasion, the emphasis is very much on doing things internally. SAS Institute tries to make it easy for people to move laterally – there are no functional silos. As David Russo noted: There are no silos of research and development, there are no silos of marketing and sales, there are no silos of technical support. Everything is based on a tool kit. If your tool kit fits this divisions model for business and you want to do that, chances are pretty good youll get to do that. And if two years later you see something else you want to do and its across three organizational boundaries, you get to do that†¦. In an intellectual capital organization like ours, the most important thing you can do is engage the individuals energy so that they can apply it to the thing that excites them most, their work. SAS Institute believes that people will have three or four careers during their working lives it would like for all of those careers to be within SAS Institute. The company has a very flat organizational structure. Depending on the particular division, there are only three or four levels in the company. Jim Goodnight has twenty-seven direct reports. He noted that my management style is to let people manage their own departments and divisions with as little interference from me as possible. The company structure is fairly informal, and the firm does not have a formal organization chart. One of the most important aspects of careers at SAS Institute every manager is a working manager-they do their own jobs as managing others. This model even extends to Goodnight, who spends about 40 percent of his time programming and leading product development teams. He noted, running a big company like this is pretty boring. Another dimension is the ability to move from an individual contributor role to a managerial role, and back, without penalty. A number of people have preferred less managerial responsibility and more programming activity, and this is possible. This practice is consistent with Russos previously cited philosophy of letting people do what theyre good at and what they want to do-and permitting them to discover what they like an d are good at by doing it. 13 As one might imagine in a company with a strong culture, fit is important in hiring, promotion, and retention decisions. SAS Institute wants people who are team players, not those who seek to stand out, to be particularly important, or to be treated like stars. Barret Joyner encourages people to think about what they really want out of their jobs and to be clear and direct about this. In considering this question, one former employee said, I want to be able to have performance that permits me to do whatever I want. When I walk down the hall, I want to feel like Im the man. ]oyner told this individual that this sounded like a wonderful goal and that he (Barrett) would him achieve it-at another organization. As David Russo has SAS Institute is not a good place for someone who wants to feel like a star feel or particularly important. At SAS Institute, everyone is important and the contributions of all are valued and recognized. Outsourcing and the Use of Temporary Help SAS has a simple policy with respect to the practice of using contract programmers supplied by so-called body shops (for instance, in India or Pakistan), a practice common in high technology, particularly the Silicon Valley. It doesnt use them. It also has a simple policy respect to contracting things out-it doesnt. SAS Institute used to have an outside public relations firm, but has now taken this back inside. SAS Institute does its own training; develops and prints its own materials, including marketing materials and product manuals; and even runs its own publishing organization that publishes books about the SAS program, including those written by outsiders. Why does it do this? Barrett Joyner said, If you want something done right, own it and control it. He noted that most companies contracted out activities in an effort to save on costs. They frequently got products or services that may have cost less, but were also of lesser quality. The question soon becomes, How little can one get away with? SAS Institute is not that focused on short-term costs in the first place, so cost savings are less critical. It is focused on doing things in a quality fashion, and it believes the best way to ensure quality is to manage the process internally. But why not contract out non-essential or non-core activities such as health care, day care, the food service, and so forth? The answer is actually quite simple: Those activities are viewed as being core at SAS Institute. If the company is organized around the attraction and retention of talent not through throwing money at people but by providing a good work environment, then activities involved in building that work environment are actually quite central to the companys operations. Many people at SAS comment on how other firms make poor decisions about what are and are not core activities and get themselves into trouble in the process of ostensibly saving money. 14 ANNEX EXCERPTS FROM THE 2009 SAS INSTITUTE ANNUAL REPORT Source : sas. com/corporate/annual-report-current. pdf 15 Leadership and innOVaTiOn Our customers can count on us – today and tomorrow. Our leadership is built on the combined strengths of our software, our domain expertise and more than 34 years of experience helping customers across organizations, industries and governments around the globe succeed. We listen to customers to understand their needs, and we give our employees the freedom to explore new ideas to address those needs. While our company continues to grow, we remain true to our long-standing goal of helping customers transform how their businesses work and sustain a culture of factbased decision making. Our business analytics framework provides customers with a flexible and straightforward path for achieving their key objectives and gaining maximum return from their information assets. Today, SAS is the world’s largest privately held software company, with more than 11,000 employees and staffed offices in 55 countries. Together, we provide software and services to more than 45,000 sites in 119 countries. And the guiding principles that launched this company in 1976 are still the foundation of our growth and success: ? Commitment to customers. ? Appreciation of and dedication to employees. ? Adherence to the highest standards of quality and performance of our software. ? Continual innovation that creates lasting value. As the economy continues on its journey toward recovery, we pledge to maintain and enhance these principles, for they have proven their value in helping us achieve success since the company’s inception in 1976 and will continue to do so for many years to come. For more than 34 years, SAS has given our customers THE POWER TO KNOW ®. www. sas. com | annual report | 2009 Jim Goodnight, CEO and founder of SAS. LeTTer FrOm The CeO Our optimism and determination in the face of an uncertain economy paid off last year, and we finished 2009 – our 34th consecutive year of growth – with global revenues of US$2. 31 billion, up 2. 2 percent over 2008 results. Our revenue from software sales alone jumped 3. 3 percent at a time when the software revenue of other major vendors has been declining. Customers are ncreasingly turning to SAS ® solutions to maximize effective customer relations, more effectively manage operations and engage in better risk management. Software revenue was strong in several areas, including customer intelligence, credit risk, supply chain and text analytics, attesting that companies striving to survive in a down economy, and succeed in times of recovery and growth, need such solutions to answer complex business problems, spur innovation and enable success. Growth rates of our industry-based software solutions were highest in financial services, government, health care, insurance and retail. Strong sales to financial services firms demonstrates the confidence these companies have in our ability to help them solve intricate business issues and navigate changes in customer needs, business models and regulatory oversight. The public sector showed growing interest in using data as a key strategic asset for combating fraud, halting declining tax revenues, managing service levels and achieving greater transparency. And retailers turned to our software solutions to improve margins and counter the effects of sluggish consumer spending by taking into account regional, local and even storelevel buying preferences of their customers. IDC, Worldwide Business Intelligence Tools 2008 Vendor Shares, Doc # 218598, June 2009, www. sas. com/news/analysts/idc-ww-bi-tools-2008. pdf 2 www. sas. com/news/analysts/chartis-risk-0609. pdf 3 www. sas. com/news/analysts/chartis-credit-risk-0709. pdf 4 www. sas. com/news/analysts/chartis-risk-1109. pdf 5 Gartner Research, â€Å"Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Marketing Management,† by Kimberly Collins and Adam Sarner, July 15, 2009. See the full report at www. gartner. com/technology/media-products/reprints/sas/vol6/article2/article2. tml 6 Gartner Research, â€Å"Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools,† by Ted Friedman and Andreas Bitterer, June 9, 2009. See the full report at www. gartner. com/technology/media-products/reprints/dataflux/167657. html SAS is well-positioned to continue helping our customers succeed. Our strong commitment to research and development – we reinvested 23 percent of revenue back into RD last year – resulted in another year of prodigious innovation. We released 21 new products or bundles last year, including SAS 9. 2 platform Phase 2, which included classic SAS products as well as 87 usiness intelligence and data integration solutions. The capabilities of SAS software were again validated in 2009 by leading analyst firms. In June, IDC called SAS the â€Å"overwhelming lead er† in advanced analytics,1 saying that enterprises choose SAS Analytics more often than the other 16 analytics suppliers combined. Chartis Research again named SAS as the leader in its Operational Risk Management Systems 2009 report in June. 2 SAS was also named as a leader in the firm’s July report, Credit Risk Management Systems 2009,3 and in November, SAS was ranked No. in the prestigious RiskTech100 rankings, an annual international listing of the top risk technology vendors. 4 Gartner positioned SAS in the Visionaries quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Marketing Management 5 and placed our DataFlux subsidiary in the Leaders quadrant of its Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools 6 in June. In September, the firm placed SAS in the Leaders quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Operational Risk Management Software for Financial Services. 7 And in December, Gartner placed SAS and DataFlux in the Visionaries quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Too ls. www. sas. com | annual report | 2009 In November, Forrester Research gave SAS top rank for cost and profitability analysis and a top score in product strategy and vision. 9 And in December, Forrester ranked SAS Customer Intelligence No. 1 in optimization, analytics and reporting, and installed base. 10 SAS also had a strong showing in application usability, real-time analytics, budget management and forecasting, architecture and campaign design. Of the top 100 companies on the 2009 FORTUNE Global 500 ®, 92 are current SAS customers. And in the US, 80 percent of new commercial accounts were small and midsized businesses, showing that organizations with annual sales of less than $500 million also recognize the value of business analytics from SAS. In all, nearly 1,400 new customers around the world chose SAS. Customers new to SAS in 2009 included: Anglopharma, Bombay Stock Exchange, the Clorox Company of Canada Ltd. , Hong Kong Efficiency Unit, Fiat Automoveis, Lego Systems Inc. , Loyalty New Zealand, Niagara Health System, Dex One Corp. (formerly R. H. Donnelley), Telefonica, TV 2 AS (Norway), WestJet, Wet Seal Inc. , Wistron Corp. nd Vattenfall. Looking forward, we believe that 2010 will be another strong year for SAS. While economic recovery is under way in many parts of the world, it won’t be quick and it won’t be easy. Organizations will react by continuing to focus on improving customer-centricity, enhancing top-line revenue growth and optimizing their businesses in 2010. SAS is well-positioned to play a critical part in recovery efforts. By providing our customers with a business analytics framework that can grow over time, we empower them to meet both the demands of today’s economy and the opportunities of tomorrow with: ? Data management capabilities that improve the flow of and access to information throughout organizations. ? Greater insights into data for making quick, meaningful decisions. ? Risk analysis and optimization solutions to save money. ? Customer intelligence and marketing automation to drive sustainable revenue growth. ? Social network analysis to uncover fraud and terrorist threats as well as business opportunities. Finally, as a debt-free global company, SAS offers our customers another valuable commodity: stability. We attribute this to our 34-year focus on listening to our customers and meeting their needs with robust, reliable and relevant products and services. SAS is poised for growth again in 2010. The momentum is greater than it has ever been for this company, and the future looks promising indeed. Sincerely, James H. Goodnight, PhD, CEO 2009 | annual report | www. sas. com 7 Gartner Research, â€Å"Magic Quadrant for Operational Risk Management Software for Financial Services,† by Douglas McKibben and David Furlonger, August 28, 2009. See the full report at www. gartner. om/technology/media-products/reprints/sas/vol6/article3/article3. html 8 Gartner Research. â€Å"Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools† by Ted Friedman, Mark A. Beyer and Eric Thoo, November 25, 2009. See the full report at www. gartner. com/technology/media-products/reprints/sas/vol6/article5/article5. html 9 The Forrester Wave: Business Performance Solutions, Q4 2009 report, www. sas. com/news/analysts /forresterwave-bus-perf-q409. pdf 10 The Forrester Wave: Cross-Channel Campaign Management Platforms, Q4 2009 report, www. sas. com/news/analysts/forresterwave-cm-104330-1209. pdf TabiLiTy and GrOwTh – 34 years and COunTinG SAS achieved its 34th consecutive year of growth in 2009, with global revenue reaching US$2. 31 billion, up 2. 2 percent over 2008. SAS saw healthy sales growth in multiple industries. Sales to the retail industry increased by 12 percent, despite a very challenging environment for that sector. Sales to the health care industry were up by 8 percent. And sales to the oil and gas industry increased by more than 30 percent. Our growing network of alliance and channel partners played an integral role in 25 percent of new sales and half of the top 50 global deals. Specifically, there are strategic initiatives including partnerships with leading business consultancies and systems integrators, expansion of in-database activities across multiple partner platforms, and a continued focus on building third-party channels. Partnerships with global systems integrators such as Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte and Wipro Technologies offer customers the specialized resources and expertise to deploy SAS Business Analytics throughout the enterprise. In addition, SAS continues to drive the momentum of in-database analytic innovation with technology partners such as Teradata and Netezza. Global Presence, Global success SAS’ revenue growth remained distributed around the globe. The Americas accounted for 44 percent of total revenue; Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) contributed 45 percent; and 11 percent came from the Asia Pacific region. Of the 120 countries where SAS does business, 83 percent saw growth in software sales. Among mature markets, growth rates for software sales were highest in the US, the UK, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands. In developing markets, doubledigit percentage gains were achieved in most of Eastern Europe, the Middle East, South Africa and pockets of Asia and Latin America. Even in a challenging global economy, SAS did not waver in its commitment to our 11,000 employees and our core belief that happy, healthy employees are more productive. In 2009, SAS was again recognized as an employer of choice around the world. In the EMEA region, we received workplace awards for our offices in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Portugal and Finland. In the Asia Pacific region, we received workplace awards in China, Australia and India. In the Americas, we were recognized in Canada and Mexico, and as this annual report was being roduced, we received notification that we ranked No. 1 on the FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For list in the US – our 13th consecutive year on the list. www. sas. com | annual report | 2009 2009 reVenue revenue by region Americas 44% EMEA 45% Asia Pacific 11% Other 1% Health Care 2% Energies Utilities 3% Education 3% revenue by industry Financial Services 42% Retail 4% Life Sciences 6% Manufacturing 6% Communications 7% Services 1 1% revenue Growth 1976-2009 Government 15% 2009 | annual report | www. sas. com

Monday, November 4, 2019

Teacher Professionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teacher Professionalism - Essay Example Frpm this research it is clear that when she asked Mario if he understood the corrections, she displayed what reflects the 3rd Feature laid by the MELS which expresses that teachers must â€Å"judge how well the student has read the problem situation.† These two features in the 5th Competency would mean that the MELS notion of the role of teacher not only comprises instruction, but also the social aspect. It is clear then that teachers should motivate and inspire the students in order for the teaching and learning process to be more effective. This will equate to a turnaround of the traditional means of evaluation for the teacher, thus bringing about a reformative process of the professional conduct in schools.This study presents that in the reporter's ongoing professional development as a teacher, I observed and now comprehend that the conduct of my skilled CT is professional and that she is a very caring individual. She gave the student a chance after recognizing that indeed he understood what were his mistakes. This correlates slightly with the other features under the 5th Competency which is similarly grounded on the idea of evaluating the student progress on a standpoint of socio-constructivism.  This situation introduced him to the standard of teaching where the virtues of compassion and understanding are instilled. It is worthy of emulation!   the importance of a teacher being supportive in giving encouragement and building a positive self-image for the student.