Friday, May 22, 2020

Argumentative Essay On Nuclear Waste - 1712 Words

A world filled with uncertainty is already a scary place to live. Murphy’s law only makes that uncertainty destined for disaster where anything can go wrong, will undoubtedly go wrong. The United States has placed itself under the mercy of Murphy’s law, not because of Trump’s threats of war with North Korea, but because it has no safe way of disposing of its nuclear waste. Radiation is a silent killer; if exposed into the environment it could lead to genetic mutations, cancer, and if long enough, premature death. Furthermore, radioactive material can work its way up from the environment to animals, to humans up the food chain nowhere near the site of exposure. We have been complacent in finding a permanent solution to nuclear waste†¦show more content†¦That one percent of waste can be devastating to any ecosystem it is exposed to. Radiation is invisible, it has no scent, it cannot be cleaned by soap, and it should be of concern as much as any disease or virus. The scientific community unanimously agrees that exposure to high levels of radiation is a health hazard. Many people feel unconcerned because they feel it’s not a relevant problem in their lives. However, there are over 71,000 tons of nuclear waste simple in temporary storage at the U.S.’s 104 nuclear reactors (Oliver). Nearly one out of three Americans live within a 50-mile radius of a reactor filled with waste (Oliver). Still many are skeptical remaining ignorant of the potential dangers of radiation exposure. The severity of the damage to a person’s heath due to radiation is based on how much radiation and how long they were exposed to the amounts of radiation. The amount of radiation a person receives is measured in â€Å"rem† and depending on that the health effects could range from no observable health effects, to cancer, to even death (Effects of Radiation). Even a fraction of the amount of radiation to kill a person could cause nausea, fatigue, v omiting, loss of appetite, loss of hair and abnormalities in blood cells (Effects of Radiation). Nuclear waste from a typical fuel rod will still have 2,000 times more rem than the required dosage to kill a person even after 10 years (USNRC). Clear examples of why people should be worried about exposure toShow MoreRelatedI Am The Product Of Clark County Educational System Essay1503 Words   |  7 Pageshow to write essays correctly. I am the product of Clark County Educational system. I have always struggled through my last classes and hoped to get out of my struggles this semester. One the greatest challenges that I faced was the distinction that existed among different types of writings that are performed within the English language. 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